Progress Lifeline’s Calderdale team have been crowned West Yorkshire’s Unsung Wonder

Posted on: 3/06/2020

The West Yorkshire Wonder Award’s public votes have been counted and verified. Live on air, Pulse 1 radio announced the winner of the Unsung Wonders award, sponsored by Halifax Metals, is Progress Lifeline’s Calderdale Emergency Home Responder Team.

Jacqui Blay, Content Controller at Pulse 1 & Pulse 2 said, “We wanted to recognise the incredible work that so many people in West Yorkshire are undertaking at the moment. Our West Yorkshire Wonders are awarded to those individuals or groups that support our community and provide much needed assistance in these times of need.

“We've been very humbled to see the incredible lengths that people have gone to in order to help others. We are delighted for all of our nominees and a huge congratulations to the Calderdale team at Progress Lifeline for winning the Unsung Wonder award. Their small team have worked together assisting over 800 call outs from the vulnerable or elderly since lockdown began, thus easing the pressure on the Ambulance service.

Jacqui added, “Their hard work hasn't gone unnoticed with our listeners voting for them as our winners in this category, congratulations.”

Team Leader, Mat Carter added, “I am so delighted the listeners of Pulse radio chose our Emergency Home Responders to be their Unsung Wonder. Lindsay, Brian, Ian, Nick, Caroline, Glyn, Amie, Caroline, Lindsey, Dave and John have worked so hard throughout lockdown, and this award means that not only does the Group recognise the amazing work they do, but the listeners did too. I would like to thank everyone who voted.

“My team of emergency home responders continue to work around the clock to assist customers who are vulnerable or at risk of falls. Every call out they attend, they check to make sure service users are safe and secure in their home, and provide much needed comfort and reassurance.

Mat continues, “During lockdown, over 200 lift assists using our specialist lifting equipment, Raizor were carried out. This equipment is amazing, it helps customers who have fallen, but are not injured, get back on their feet safely and with dignity.”

Watch and listen to our thank you video: 

Debs Kennedy-Tallis, Director at Halifax Metals said, “When we were approached to sponsor the Unsung Wonders award back in May, we jumped at the chance. In my opinion, the community spirit in West Yorkshire is one of the strongest in the country. My team and I would like to congratulate the Calderdale team for all the hard work they have done during these difficult times. Well done to everyone involved.”

You can read more about the awards and its winners at: